My First Bullet Journal
I have been investigating ways to use paper more efficiently and pleasurably than digital tools. I have often heard about bullet journalling and never investigated it until recently. For me, digital was the answer to every note-taking and life management requirement. However, that feeling has dramatically changed.
A gentleman, Ryder Carroll calls himself the creator of the Bullet Journal Method. This is true in modern terms and from a commercial viewpoint, but many journal keepers have had methods that worked for them centuries ago.
The method revolves around a blank notebook that you set up as a calendar, planner, list maker, to-do list, or anything that you want it to be. The name Bullet Journal comes from the way that symbols are used and, in many cases, minimal words used alongside them.
I will add a YouTube video below to show you how to set up a new bullet journal. This can be any time of the year, even part-way through a month. There’s never a better time to start than now!
There are many videos, including those made by Ryder Carroll. This video is courtesy of the YouTube Channel, Mark Your Pages
As you will see, simplicity is the key. The index is also a wonderful element to being able to have long-term use from each bullet journal you use over the years. There are some notebooks which come with the pages ready numbered.
My notebook is a Dingbats A5+, which I reviewed and you can read about it here. The book is perfect for me as a bullet journal.
With regard to the symbols/bullets you can set up any that you wish, but obviously stick to them otherwise it will be confusing if you change the meaning.
I am using these symbols or bullets:
. Task
- Note
o Event
< Migrate to a future log
> Migrate forward to another day
! Important
* (large asterisk) Urgent - immediate attention
∆ Meeting
<< Moved from notebook to an app
= How I am feeling
I setup my bullet journal to start on January 1st, so it’s early days so far. However, I am loving it. I expect will add another section or two during this year, such as a list of articles I wish to write or books I would like to read. The journal after all, is anything you want it to be.
My current setup is:
Index: I have allowed 3 pages for this.
Forward planner - 6 months Jan to June. Once January is completed I will add another 6 months.
January - 2 pages. The left side a line for each day on the right side for tasks and notes.
Daily pages - writing one day at time.
My set up is the same as the one in the video. I have added a few more symbols, some of which I added after watching one of Ryder Carroll’s videos.
You can buy notebooks with all sorts of templates ready printed. These do look nice but for me, simplicity and flexibility, just as Ryder Carrol found is my preferred route. If you search for information on bullet journalling you can easily be overwhelmed by the results. Some who bullet journal must spend hours turning their notebooks into works of art! There is no need to complicate it, but if you like drawing and being creative, then you can do that in your bullet journal.
During the year I will update you on my bullet journal progress. I would love to hear from you if you use a bullet journal. Please leave a comment.
I note in a previous post you use a Filofax. Recently I have invested in one to do my BuJo practice. I was finding 2/3 of my notebooks became collections due to,the meetings I attend for work. Filofax seems like a great solution for this; 6 dividers, dot grid paper, and a vertical calendar. This gives me the ability to have more pages but the flexibility to archive collections as needed leaving more daily logs in the organiser. I’d be interested to know why you chose a note book?